The Green Party of England and Wales has separate policies for general migration and for people seeking asylum and protection.
The Green Party policy process produces an organic and the evolving document (known as Policies for a Sustainable Society or PSS) that reflects current priorities and principles. Our PSS changes twice a year as a result of our democratic process – the Spring and Autumn conferences of the Green Party are the supreme policy making body.
Both these migration and asylum policies have been updated in recent years by this policy working group, agreed by members at conference and now form part of the PSS.
For each General and European election we produce a manifesto – this sets out our immediate priorities and policy goals that Green representatives would pursue for the term of that Parliament. Each manifesto is based on our PSS and is prepared by local constituency or campaign groups through an agreed consultative process within the Party.
You can view all the Green Party Policies for a Sustainable Society here.
This policy was agreed at conference in October 2021.
The Green Party seeks not only to provide asylum to those forced from their homes but to work towards a world in which no one has to flee their home. This policy sets out a fair and humane system of asylum and protection.
This policy was agreed at conference in Spring 2023.
The Green Party wants to see a world without borders, until this happens the Green
Party will implement a fair and humane system of managed immigration where people can
move if they wish to do so.