Key Principles

How we treat people who have chosen the UK as their home is an important signal of our values and national character, which we believe values solidarity both at home and abroad. We welcome the economic and societal contributions that immigrants and refugees make to British society.  We understand that migration is natural and people have always and will always move.

The Green Party seeks to establish a system of managed migration that promotes social cohesion and recognises that all migrants are treated as potential citizens and therefore supports and encourages them to put down roots in their new home.

We would immediately set out to abolish the Hostile Environment policies which have been found to be entirely ineffective and often unlawful, and which have caused immense suffering for those who have been caught up in it, including the Windrush generation.

No one becomes a refugee lightly. People leave their homes, friends and often their family because they are forced to do so through circumstances that make remaining at home intolerable.

The Green Party acknowledges the right to claim asylum, in any country, as set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of which the UK helped write and was a proud signatory. We will establish a system of asylum and humanitarian protection which treats the applicant fairly, humanely and without discrimination.

We will work with other countries to establish safe routes by which those fleeing persecution, war, or climate disaster may arrive in the country of their choice to make their case without having to risk their lives.The Green Party accepts we all have a collective responsibility for the climate emergency and that the UK has a duty to support people forced to move due to the changes in their home environment, whether internally or from abroad.

Key Policies – Summary

The Green Party wants to see a world without borders, until this happens we will implement a fair and humane system of managed immigration where people can move if they wish to do so.

When the Greens are in government, we will dismantle the hostile environment and instead:

  • We will accept our responsibility for the climate emergency and support the people forced to move because of it.
  • We will acknowledge the right to claim asylum, in any country, as set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We will work towards a world in which no one has to flee their home.
  • We will dismantle the dysfunctional Home Office, creating a separate Department of the Interior and a Department of Migration, so criminal enforcement no longer sits alongside immigration, and people are not put in prison because of their immigration status.
  • We will completely reform the application process  that adversely affects women, children, caregivers, and people of colour. We will resource it properly and decide  all asylum applications quickly, putting a stop to high fees and ensure nobody has to wait for more than five years for settlement.
  • We will treat all migrants as potential citizens, by permitting people seeking asylum to work and by giving all residents the right to vote because everyone deserves to have a say and to be heard.

We will help families to be together, including grandparents and children, we will abolish the No Recourse to Public Funds condition, and the ten year route to settlement that adversely affects women, children, caregivers, and people of colour.

Campaign Messaging

We have created a document here containing information on wide range of issues to help candidates talk about these issues effectively and with knowledge.

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Social media Resources

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we need safe and legal routes now