The Green Party aims to create a just, equitable and sustainable society. We focus our efforts primarily, though not exclusively, through the electoral system.
The Green Party is a democratic organisation in which our members decide our policy, opening up politics to those outside the Westminster Establishment. Our members come from all walks of life; most of them are not professional politicians, but each of them can have a voice in how our policies are written, updated and amended.
Thus, uniquely for any Westminster Party, you can directly affect this Policy Process by becoming a member. The process involve setting up different working groups to look at each area of policy at regular intervals.
As an official Green Party working group, our policy areas are Refugee and Asylum, and Migration. We have rewritten both these policies in recent years.
Our group is made up of campaigners, activists, academics, lawyers, and people working in the migration sector. Many of whom have lived experience of the current UK system.
We work closely with campaign and policy organisations that work with migrants, developing networks of advocacy for fair and humane policies.
We meet monthly and focus on the following activity areas: